Saturday, October 31, 2009

Next Year At This Time- Halloween!

Next year at this time the girls will have been home for about 4 plus months! Sarah and Anna just bounded out the door to start their trick or treating! I can hardly wait until next year when our Emma and Ellie are dressed up in costumes and doing the same thing!! Four precious daughters all dressed up and hopefully with smiles on their faces!! I know they will all have a blast (after they get over the first time to trick or treat jitters).

I personally had a few jitters myself recently but a few good friends set me straight and prayers to our dear Lord got me back to being excited! 

While we were in Napa Valley I decided Katie and I should go in June to get the girls (she is off work at that time). We worked together so well when we were in China with Sarah. Now that we are back home I can't imagine waiting a moment longer than absolutely necessary. Once we get a green light from China - I just feel like we need to get these girls home to their family- that would be US!!!

I pray Lord for our process! I pray that we are able to finish up our dossier this week and  get it to carrie for her to review! I pray Lord that our agency will send our LOI either before we receive C*S approval or immediately upon receiving C*S approval. Lord please help us to get DTC's and LID before Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Such an exciting thought! Our sweet boy will be home this time next year too!
